Ashleigh & Burwood

Ashleigh & Burwood

Molesey, United Kingdom

Ashleigh & Burwood

37,335 trees funded

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Ashleigh & Burwood's sustainability goals

The biggest impact you can have, is change your lifestyle

  • Improving the sustainability credentials of our products and positively influencing the sustainability performance of our supplier

  • Using a minimum of 30% post-consumer recycled plastic in all our plastic bottles by 2023

  • Switching to recyclable options for packaging wherever possible

  • Two-thirds of company vehicles to be fully electric by June 2022 and all vehicles to be fully electric by 2025

  • Reducing carbon emissions from energy use by 60% by 2024

  • Switch all office lighting to energy-conserving LED bulbs and to power-saving motion-sensor lighting

  • 100% of the energy we use as a business to come from renewable energy sources

Ashleigh & Burwood's badges

Keeping track of their personal climate contributions.

Go to badges section

500 trees funded
1,000 trees funded
5,000 trees funded
10,000 trees funded

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